Content Conscious provides professional proofreading and copyediting services for digital media and print.
Are editing and proofreading the same?
Proofreading corrects errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. It’s a last check before publishing online or in print. Copyediting improves the quality of writing by enhancing flow, readability and structure. They both need an expert understanding of the English language.
Copyediting is completed earlier in the publication process than proofreading, which is carried out when all revisions have been made. If your copy doesn’t contain many errors or you’ve already had it edited, you probably need a proofread. This will look primarily for the errors listed above. It can also check the fine details important for your work to look professional – such as consistency of style, format and numbering.
A copyedit can check all these things and make some changes to your writing. For example, suggesting alternative words to enhance your message and rephrasing to improve clarity. It can also include aspects of content editing (checks needed for digital media published online). These could relate to web readability and accessibility edits. Or checking for broken links and appropriate link anchor text.
There can be some overlap between these editing services. My prices page details what to expect and will give you some idea of the editing service you need.
Editing removes errors and enhances your language and style. Editing will fix issues with your writing before it’s published – essential whatever media you publish in.
Even professional writers need their work editing, so why not enjoy the same services and write like a pro?
What do Content Conscious editing services include?
Content Conscious editing services can include:
- spelling, punctuation and grammar checks
- improving readability
- bringing consistency
- unifying tone and voice
- refreshing content
- web writing best practice
- adherence to a style guide
- increasing accessibility
- inclusive writing
- link and anchor text checking
- SEO writing
- rewriting copy
- writing compelling new copy
Get in touch and we’ll find the right editing service for you.
You’d love to send copy to an editor for proofreading or a more comprehensive check, but you don’t have time to write.
Read my page on professional rewriting and substantive editing.